FIFA 12 – “Sub Zero” Online Goals Compilation

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25 comments on FIFA 12 – “Sub Zero” Online Goals Compilation

  1. @FedericoMachedaOnPS3 ho espresso solo un commento sull’incapacità di
    intendere e volere dei tuoi avversari 😀 tutti qui

  2. @Lloopy654 Its called the reverse stepover, but its proper hard to do in a
    match! He just makes it look easy.

  3. @FifaTipzHD
    /watch?v=LvLA67b5Nws&feature=g-all-c&context=G276fd78FAAAAAAAAEAA did fifa
    tips take you to this one???

  4. io non capisco come si fa un giochino quello che fa tipo una veronica
    strana sulla palla girando il corpo mi dici i tasti grazie spero in una
    risposta nn lo trovo scritto in nessun forum

  5. Can you give me some tips in diong tricks or combining them. Do you ever do
    triple flip flap

  6. Ma come fai a fare tutti sti giochetti? O.O Cè io dopo un estate passata a
    nerdarmi su fifa i giochetti mi vengono si e no, ma non in quel modo
    assurdo come li fai te :’)

  7. You can’t be a Human *_____* , that is amazing skilling so in FIFA I can do
    all these skills and most time it works but i can’t them so fast and then
    score some so amazing goals like you . But i want to play against you , i
    want to test me , to see where my Limit is. My PSN-Account is :
    Sportingboy_10 and I’m a big Fan of you , your first game i saw was against
    Regi1234 , i love his videos on his channel .

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