FIFA 12 – “Where Do You Go” Online Goals Compilation

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25 comments on FIFA 12 – “Where Do You Go” Online Goals Compilation

  1. ma giochi coi morti che nn sanno fare la difesa tattica e tiivengono adosso e tu li salti gioca cn me e ti faccio vd che nnmi passineanche una volta

  2. hey,
    i know this probably annoys you but i would love if you went and checked out my channel!!

  3. You guys can say whatever you want about the defending, but federicomacheda is probably one of the best skillers on fifa

  4. He’s playing against noobs who don’t defend while he’s dancing like an idiot again and again.

  5. Sinceramente? Impara a giocare buffone, invece di fare il supereroe contro i niubbi che non sanno marcarti.

  6. seriously. enter ksiolajideBT’s top 5 goals of the week and you would win so hard!

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